Phone: +94 76 670 1072 | +94 74 104 3570 | Email: info@myrus.lk

SHAKTHI HALL | Myrus Colombo Centre (MCC)

“The Creation of the Source is Shakthi”

At Myrus Colombo Centre, Shakthi Hall is the breezy, open-to-air cement floored hallway above Shiva Hall.

The space is shadowed by greenery and kissed by the sun during sunrise and sunset. The space can accommodate approx 30 yoga mats or 60 chairs.

Suitable for get-togethers, corporate sessions, classes, or workshops.

Other amenities include

  • Car Park
  • Washrooms
  • Cafe
  • Mirrored Wall for Social dancing/ Zumba etc

Call 074 104 3570  to arrange a viewing.