
Yoga Beginner Course

Master correct techniques of YOGA postures and improve strength and flexibility. Improve you health with breathing techniques and meditation

What you will learn:
  • Yoga basics
  • Asana techniques for various categories
  • Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga
  • Yama & Niyama, and practice of Pranayama
  • Introduction to meditation
  • Progress to Myrus Intermediate Classes

Meet our Founder & Lead Teacher

Miuru Jayaweera (PhD | E-Ryt 500)

Dr. Miuru Jayaweera, an Internationally Certified Yoga Teacher with an E-RYT500 designation, is renowned for her expertise in yoga instruction. With a diverse range of yoga styles and comprehensive training, she is dedicated to fostering growth and well-being in her students. 

As the leader of Myrus School of Yoga, Dr. Jayaweera provides internationally recognized teacher training, retreats, and workshops. 

An Internationally Certified Yoga Instructor

Experience the guidance of an internationally certified yoga instructor dedicated to your wellness journey. Join our Yoga Beginner Online Course for expert-led yoga practices and holistic well-being

A Wide Range of Yoga Styles Taught

Our Lead Teacher as an experienced registered yoga teacher of the Yoga Alliance USA and with a variety of certifications from India, Australia and Sri Lanka in Medical Yoga, Mindfulness & Faceyoga apart from Ashtanga Vinyasa Series, Hatha, Kundalini and Vinyasa Krama offers personalized experiences, grounded in deep understanding of body and mind, helping you reach your unique goals

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to promote overall health and well-being.

Vinyasa Krama

Vinyasa Krama, also known as Vinyasa Flow, synchronizes movement with breath, creating a dynamic and fluid practice.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga focuses on deep stretching and relaxation, targeting the connective tissues in the body. Poses are held for longer durations, allowing for a gentle yet profound release of tension.

Ashtanga Vinyasa

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding practice that follows a set sequence of poses linked together by breath.

Health Benefits of Yoga

When you begin to practice yoga regularly, you’ll unlock a host of health benefits. Because yoga engages the mind, body, and spirit, these span the physical, mental, and emotional realms. 

Insights from Our Valued Students

Insights from Our Valued Students

Course Content

Introduction: What is Yoga and why you should practice yoga?

Class 1: Ujjai Breath, Hatha Standing Postures, Suryanamaskar C, Badhas, Drishti & fundamentals of Asana, Pranayama, Meditation practice

Class 2: Suryanamskar C with breath, Hatha Sitting postures, Back bending & Forward Folds

Class 3: Story of the Spine & Backbends

Class 4: Vinyasa Yoga Introduction with 4 standing postures

Class 5: Mandala Yoga Introduction | Introduction to Dristi

Class 6: Techniques for Beginners

Class 7: Vinyasa with Standing, BB, FF and Twists

Class 8: Uddiyana Bandh Major, Warrior 1,2, Planes of Body

Class 9: Warrior 3 & Reverse warrior, Intro to Ladder Vinyasa

Class 10: Introduction to Chaturanga Dandasana | SN A

Class 11: SN A Techniques | Jump Forward | Vinyasa

Class 12: Full Chaturanga with SN A | Back bends Urdhva Danurasana

Class 13: Strength based class. Intro to Surya namaskar B

Class 14: Jump Back to Chaturanga

Class 15: Agility Class

Discover What Our Students Are Saying: Real Stories of Transformation and Empowerment Through Yoga